суббота, 21 марта 2009 г.


Competitive landscape for banner management and delivery software is really crowded.


Until the introduction of Google Ad Manager, OpenX was the unquestionable leader. Free, open source, versatile. Feeling the pressure, they responded by launching OpenX hosted solution, which greatly reduce maintainance burden for users.

Google Ad Manager

New player that seems almost destined to dominate the market.

Ad Manager is free to use, hosted solution. It also provides free hosting for media banners on Google's servers. Furthermore, it gives users an option to utilize unsold placements by displaying Google's stock, both rich media and of course AdSense (AdSense account is mandatory to use Ad Manager).

Pay-to-use solutions

There are plenty of commercial products, most of them quite expensive and target big-scale customers: smartadserver.com, advertpro.com, addeliverysolutions.com. There are some simple ones like AdButler (subscription-based, starts from $6/mo) or OIOPublisher.com ($49 to buy).

Ad networks

These are marketplaces, that bring together advertisers and publishers. Of course, they provide publisher with tools to manage banners delivery.

Some players: BuySellAds, AdBrite, RichMedia. You can find many more by googling for ad marketplace.

How we differentiate?

Such a crowded space validate the market but the question is - how we can earn our place under the sun? How our solution will be different from others, providing compelling reasons for potential customer to buy?

That's the question. ;) Stay tuned while we're looking for the answer.

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